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About Us

Welcome to Arcadia Tackle, Inc., also known as Sanhu Tackle! Established in March 2003, we have proudly partnered with over thirty esteemed fishing tackle manufacturers in China, allowing us to bring you a diverse range of fishing tackle at the best prices. With years of experience, we have become a trusted OEM supplier for distributors across the United States. Our products can be found in major fishing tackle chain stores nationwide.


To better serve our customers, we maintain a branch office in Shanghai, China, where we source and manufacture custom OEM products to meet your specific needs. We handle all aspects of importing, including any FET concerns, ensuring that your orders are delivered smoothly to the USA.


At Sanhu Tackle, we believe that great fishing gear shouldn’t come with a high price tag. That’s why we are committed to offering affordable, reliable products that suit both seasoned anglers and newcomers. We also offer complimentary domestic shipping for all fishing products ordered through our website, so you can focus on your next catch without worrying about extra costs.


As advocates for responsible angling, we encourage catch-and-release practices to help protect our precious resources for future generations.


Thank you for choosing Sanhu Tackle

Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re here to support all your fishing adventures.

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Contact Us : 626-531-7373



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